Frequently Asked Questions
Residence Life
Common Questions
Can I request a roommate?
Roommates can be requested, but in order for requests to be granted students must request each other on the housing application. All requests must be made by July 1.
If I have a documented disability, can I request a housing accommodation?
Student should review the policies and procedures for housing and non-academic accommodations. Non-academic housing accommodation requests are due prior to June 1.
After I receive my housing assignment, can I have a tour of my room?
Unfortunately, residence halls are unavailable over the summer due to conference housing or maintenance and repair projects. We are happy to answer questions about your room - please call our office at (401) 341-2210.
If I am not satisfied with my room, can I change my housing assignment?
If you would like to change your housing assignment before the academic year begins, you can contact our office and be placed on a waitlist to be moved. However, we strongly encourage all students to arrive on campus and experience living in their residence hall before deciding to make any changes.
Are first-year students allowed to have cars on campus?
First-year students are not permitted to have cars on campus. First-year resident students who can demonstrate a need or would suffer an undue hardship due to the restriction on residential parking may request a waiver. If approved, the student will be required to purchase the parking permit and abide by the rules and regulations established by the Office of Public Safety.
What forms of security are found in and around the residence halls?
All residence halls are locked 24/7, and students gain access using their student ID. Campus security is available 24/7 by calling (401) 341-2325, and officers can be seen around campus in marked security vehicles. The Office of Safety and Security is located in Tobin Hall.
What is the guest policy?
Guests are allowed on campus per the stipulations of 亚洲博彩平台排名's guest policy, which is outlined in detail in the student handbook. Students are responsible for the behavior of their guests, for damage caused by their guests, and for informing guests of hall policies. Overnight guests are not allowed without advance notification of all students living in the room/apartment in which they are staying.
Does the University supply cleaning supplies and toilet paper? Who cleans the bathroom?
Our housekeeping staff provides toilet paper, but not cleaning supplies. In Reefe Hall, residents are responsible for cleaning their own bathrooms. In Walgreen Hall, the suite bathrooms are cleaned weekly by housekeeping. Miley Hall community bathrooms are cleaned daily by housekeeping.
How can we decorate?
We encourage you to decorate your room with posters/pictures that make your room your home. However, please do not use nails, tacks, or duct tape. Any damage made to the walls will be billed to the residents of that room.
What items are considered a fire safety hazard?
A comprehensive list of items considered to be fire safety hazards are listed in the student handbook. Items deemed a fire safety hazard will be confiscated by the area coordinator and held until the resident returns home.
Resident Advisors
What does the RA selection process entail?
There are two parts to the process:
- The student leadership application: Includes your demographic information, essays, resume and two letters of recommendation.
- The individual interview: You will meet with a group of professional staff members and RAs and be asked a series of questions.
Who can be a reference for me?
Professors, employers, advisors, coaches, RAs - anyone who can discuss your ability to work with other people can be used as references. Your RAs, parents, relatives and friends cannot be used.
Will the compensation I receive affect my financial aid?
It could. Each individual's financial aid package is different. To determine if it will affect your situation specifically, call the Office of Financial Aid at (401) 341-2901.
Who supervises the RAs?
RAs are supervised by area coordinators, professional live-in staff members who are supervised by the associate director of residence life.
Can I hold another job on or off campus?
RAs who wish to work another job must have prior approval from their area coordinator and can work no more than 12 hours a week. You cannot hold a work-study position, and the RA job has to be your primary commitment.
Can I be an RA and an athlete?
Yes, but both roles require a large amount of commitment. We ask that your job as an RA come before everything other than academics. You should discuss your intentions to be an RA with your coach before applying.
Can I still be an RA if I have been through the conduct system?
Each candidate is evaluated individually. Your student conduct record is reviewed and you will be asked during the interview about any incidents. It is a factor in our decision.
Can I choose what building I want to be in?
During the individual interview, you have the opportunity to share your preferences on which population you would like to work with and where you think you would thrive. Ultimately, placement is determined by the Office of Residence Life and is based on the needs of the building. Our selection process allows us to get a good idea of where you would fit.
Do I already need to know how to confront people or deal with emergencies?
No previous skills are required to be an RA. All staff members are thoroughly trained on any potential situation before the academic year starts.
What happens if I do not get selected for a position?
You are welcome to reapply during the next selection process. We will also offer alternate positions to a group of qualified candidates who we can't hire because we don't have enough positions to offer. In either case, your application will stay on file and will be considered if any positions become available after the main selection process ends (with alternates having priority consideration).